The CACFP NPA envisions children and adults who are healthy and hunger-free.

Our mission is to lead and support state agencies in administering the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
with integrity, while ensuring quality nutrition and wellness.

CACFP NPA Conference



Build partnerships with stakeholders on health, nutrition and wellness at all levels, with the goal to collaborate and share expertise with USDA-FNS and other professional associations with the goal of healthy children.


Influence program policy and direction by being represented at stakeholder meetings, identifying policy issues and making recommendations as appropriate to FNS.


Build membership involvement by promoting the benefits CACFP NPA membership.


Maximize organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

Member Benefits

Opportunity to influence USDA policy
Our USDA and FRAC liaisons attend our monthly Board phone calls. We receive updates from them and have the opportunity to ask questions and provide input to them from the state level.
Being "in the know"
Members receive monthly emails from their regional representative giving timely updates from USDA and FRAC as well as any pertinent information from the association.
Biennial Conference discount price
Join over 1,000 members of the child nutrition community for an incredible few days of training, networking, and learning opportunities!
Access to the Association’s website "member only section."
Which includes a Best Practices Clearinghouse and Career Opportunites Section
Access to a network of state agency representatives from across the country
Through your own regional representative
Standing Committees
All individual members and each member of an institutional membership are eligible to serve on committees of the Association.